chat/matrix-synapse - The NetBSD Packages Collection

Reference homeserver for the Matrix decentralised comms protocol

Synapse is a reference "homeserver" implementation of Matrix from the core
development team at, written in Python/Twisted.  It is intended to
showcase the concept of Matrix and let folks see the spec in the context of a
codebase and let you run your own homeserver and generally help bootstrap the

Build dependencies

lang/rust lang/rust devel/py-poetry devel/py-setuptools-rust devel/py-build misc/py-installer pkgtools/mktools pkgtools/digest pkgtools/cwrappers

Runtime dependencies

security/py-OpenSSL graphics/py-Pillow security/py-asn1 security/py-asn1-modules devel/py-attrs security/py-bcrypt www/py-bleach devel/py-canonicaljson security/py-cryptography devel/py-ijson devel/py-immutabledict textproc/py-jinja2 textproc/py-jsonschema devel/py-macaroons chat/py-matrix-common devel/py-msgpack net/py-netaddr devel/py-packaging textproc/py-phonenumbers net/py-prometheus_client devel/py-pydantic security/py-service_identity security/py-signedjson devel/py-sortedcontainers devel/py-treq net/py-twisted devel/py-typing-extensions devel/py-unpaddedbase64 textproc/py-yaml www/py-python-multipart security/py-authlib databases/py-psycopg2 textproc/py-lxml lang/perl5 lang/python312 lang/python312

Binary packages

NetBSD 10.0aarch64matrix-synapse-1.114.0.tgz
NetBSD 10.0aarch64matrix-synapse-1.109.0.tgz
NetBSD 10.0earmv7hfmatrix-synapse-1.114.0.tgz
NetBSD 10.0earmv7hfmatrix-synapse-1.102.0.tgz
NetBSD 10.0earmv7hfmatrix-synapse-1.109.0.tgz
NetBSD 10.0x86_64matrix-synapse-1.114.0.tgz
NetBSD 9.0earmv7hfmatrix-synapse-1.102.0.tgz
NetBSD 9.0earmv7hfmatrix-synapse-1.109.0.tgz
NetBSD 9.0i386matrix-synapse-1.114.0.tgz
NetBSD 9.0i386matrix-synapse-1.109.0.tgz
NetBSD 9.0x86_64matrix-synapse-1.114.0.tgz
NetBSD 9.0x86_64matrix-synapse-1.109.0.tgz
NetBSD 9.3x86_64matrix-synapse-1.114.0.tgz

Binary packages can be installed with the high-level tool pkgin (which can be installed with pkg_add) or pkg_add(1) (installed by default). The NetBSD packages collection is also designed to permit easy installation from source.

Available build options

Enable SAML2 Single Sign-On support.

Known vulnerabilities

The pkg_admin audit command locates any installed package which has been mentioned in security advisories as having vulnerabilities.

Please note the vulnerabilities database might not be fully accurate, and not every bug is exploitable with every configuration.

Problem reports, updates or suggestions for this package should be reported with send-pr.