This module attempts to provide a small, fast utility for working with file paths. It is friendlier to use than File::Spec and provides easy access to functions from several other core file handling modules. It doesn't attempt to be as full-featured as IO::All or Path::Class, nor does it try to work for anything except Unix-like and Win32 platforms. Even then, it might break if you try something particularly obscure or tortuous. (Quick! What does this mean: ///../../..//./././a//b/.././c/././? And how does it differ on Win32?) All paths are forced to have Unix-style forward slashes. Stringifying the object gives you back the path (after some clean up). File input/output methods flock handles before reading or writing, as appropriate. The *_utf8 methods (slurp_utf8, lines_utf8, etc.) operate in raw mode without CRLF translation. Installing Unicode::UTF8 0.58 or later will speed up several of them and is highly recommended. It uses autodie internally, so most failures will be thrown as exceptions.
Binary packages can be installed with the high-level tool pkgin (which can be installed with pkg_add) or pkg_add(1) (installed by default). The NetBSD packages collection is also designed to permit easy installation from source.
The pkg_admin audit command locates any installed package which has been mentioned in security advisories as having vulnerabilities.
Please note the vulnerabilities database might not be fully accurate, and not every bug is exploitable with every configuration.
Problem reports, updates or suggestions for this package should be reported with send-pr.